Course Details-Cloud Computing


Chandan Pandey


8.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Start Date

21 October 2024

Available Seats


Express interest
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Master Java

  • Basics And Environment Setup
  • OOPs Concept with Java
  • Core Java Concepts
  • Streams And File Handling
  • A Real-World Java Application

Master SpringBoot

  • Spring Core Concepts
  • API Development
  • Database Management
  • Secure Your Application
  • Build and Deploy

Master AWS

  • Introduction to Cloud
  • Introduction to AWS
  • Introduction to CI/CD
  • Work with S3 and EC2
  • Understand Security and Scalability
  • Work in scrum teams
  • Work on real projects
  • DevOps and CI/CD hands on
  • Scalability and security in action